My top 10 tips for healthy holidaying!
After putting in long work hours and squeezing in those extra squats, it’s finally time for the PK's to take a break - wooooooooooo!...

Feature Friday : Avocado
"An Avo a day, keeps the Doctor away...!" I love to eat, everyone knows that. What do I love most? Avocado. Not only do they taste...

Why can't we take a compliment?
Picture the scene: Girl 1: Wow you look great - I love the way you have changed your hair Girl 2: No.. shhh... I look like a disaster...

Friday Night Feast
It is no secret among my friends that I am a feeder. If you come to my house, wear stretchy pants and prepare to be fed. Now, do not be...

Feature Friday - COCONUTS!
Seriously though how delicious are coconuts? My current obsession and right now - I am crazy for coconuts ! 10 quick reasons why you...

Getting my Fermentation on!
Fellow foodies and searchers of good gut health - who has jumped on the fermented food bandwagon?? Fermented foods are not a new...