I love it when you get to the end of a working week, and you can look back over the last 5 days and decide which parts you want to keep and which parts need to be immediately moved to the recycle bin of your brain.

For me this week has been pretty good, I am marking it a healthy 8 out of 10 so am listing out my good vibes from this week below:
I have had a busy, good week at work
I have started to make progress with my AMAZING PT Sonya Baker Smith, and my body is slowly coming back into alignment - whoop!
I have embarked on a new and exciting 12 week heavy weights training program with the Gym Husband (small downside of that is I am SORE!)
I passed the first assignment of my Sports Nutrition Course - yay!
I have finally made, and mastered, the art of savoury porridge – my new favourite quick supper, so versatile and DELISH! ( Click here to find out more!)
For me it is so important to take the time to celebrate the “Wins of the Week” however small or trivial, otherwise I get bogged down by everything else, and you end up in that fog of trivia where nothing seems fun or worthwhile.
Contrary to what social media would have you believe life is not all sparkles and feeling good about yourself every week - being an adult is HARD - they should teach more of that in school so you know what to expect!

Having said that I guarantee if you stop and think about it, something good will have happened to you at least one every day this week – and if you don’t think you there are enough that is down to you.
Start planning in things that make you happy, something that makes you excited, makes you smile or gives you a sense of achievement. It can be as small as a coffee with a friend, or a PB at the gym or tackling the pile of washing that has been building up for a few weeks!
It is such a useful tool to file all the happy things away in your mind, and go into the weekend feeling fresh and accomplished. Celebrate how fabulous you are, and what you achieve everyday just by getting up and getting on with your life.
Enjoy your Friday night everyone – mine is going to involve a heavy, sweaty workout sesh and then a long hot soak in the bath!